Spiritual Sourcing

A small compilation of resources surrounding spirituality, philosophy, and yoga

There is no hierarchy in the list as I have not read all of them. I hope they can satisfy some of your curiosity as they have satisfied some of mine.

If you feel like having a chat about any of them you can click here to set a date with me 🙂


AuthorsBooksAdd / context
Ram DassBe here nowCounterculture bible, guidance on Yoga, meditation, and spiritual awakening +Good Youtube Videos

Becoming Nobody – Documentary

Edwin BryantOn the yoga SutrasContemporary Context to Yoga Philosophy + good YouTube videos
Svami VivekanandaRaja YogaShort Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Karma YogaShort description on Karma Yoga
Bihar Yoga – SatyanandaFour Chapters on FreedomCommentary on the Yoga sutras of Patanjali
Pancham SinhThe forceful YogaTranslation and commentary on Hatha Yoga Pradipika, der Gheranda Samhita und der Siva Samhita – Principle sources of Hathayoga
BKS IyengarLight on YogaAsana Bible
Swami Niranjanananda SaraswatiPrana & PranayamaBihar school of Yoga – in depth on Prana & Pranic work
Om Swami The ancient science of mantrasRe-introduction + explanation on Mantras 
John WoodroffeShakti & ShaktaTantra made approachable
 The serpent powerTantra and cosmic female energy explained
SadhguruDeathA book on Dyeing

Inner Engineering“A yogi’s guide to joy”

KarmaOn Karma
James NestorBreathGood read on the importance of breathing and chewing
Eckart Tolle Power of NowOvercoming thoughts (of past and future)
Spencer JohnsonWho moved my cheese?Nice Read – dealing with change 4 Managers?

Dalai Lama

Mitgefühl im Alltag Leben

The book of joy (with Desmond Tutu)Nice book with lots of exercises in the back
An introduction to buddhism
Heike PourianWenn wir wieder wahrnehmenSensing the world around us is vital to understand it and empower ourselves to be compassionate & caring
Anodea JudithEastern body, western mindInterweaving the Chakra framework into western models of understanding the body and mind
 Garuda PuranaTraditional Hindu Text – on Vishnu, Asana, & Yoga

Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra – 112 Objects of Meditation, laid out by Lord Shiva

Das MahavidyasTen tantric Goddesses -Shakti energies
Spiritual Literature

Higher Grounds:


Ashrams in India:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram, Neyyar Dam – time with god

Amritapuri Ashram, Kerala – you might really enjoy visiting Amma

Where I learned the yoga I am sharing with you:

Indea Yoga, Mysore – I did Classical Hatha with Bharat Shetty & Danita Panashthira

Sacred sounds:


Sivananda Chant book – Nice Booklet with chants & their translations


Transcendental music from around the world
Lovely Hindu Chanting
A nice compilation of devotional music by a friend of mine
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